We are committed to promoting and defending the interests of all Canadian dairy farmers, locally and abroad, as well as providing a forum for discussion and consensus-building that ensures an environment conducive to the farmers’ economic viability within the context of supply management.
We believe in a dairy industry comprising profitable, independent farms operating within a dynamic supply management system, and producing and promoting safe and high quality dairy products to all Canadians.
We embody the most comprehensive and credible source of information pertaining to economic, political, legislative, marketing and nutrition issues affecting the Canadian dairy industry and its stakeholders and move these issues forward in the best interests of Canadian dairy farmers.
We provide leadership in support of:
- Canadian dairy farmers standing together to exert control over their collective destiny;
- Producing high quality milk on Canadian dairy farms;
- Aiming for a sustainable dairy production;
- Developing and maintaining effective legislation, the implementation of which preserves supply management;
- Providing solutions to provincial and national challenges;
- Achieving consensus on national dairy policy and initiatives, including the creation of a national pool;
- Promoting the principles, goals and benefits of the supply management system to all stakeholders, on a global scale;
- Implementing credible education, research and marketing practices pertaining to dairy products on a national scale;
- Finding ways of growing the market for dairy products.
- Trust
- Respect
- Fairness
- Communication
- Creativity
- Integrity
- Solidarity
- Professionalism
- Cooperation
- Responsibility
The Executive Committee Click on the photo to view the member's biography
Wally Smith
reint-jan dykstra (nb)
ian harrop (ON)
Bruno Letendre (QC)
david wiens (MB)
Wally Smith, President
The past year has proven the relevance of supply management. The situation has been challenging for our fellow dairy farmers throughout the world, with low farmgate prices and deregulation forcing governments to take exceptional measures and subsidize their domestic industry in order to preserve it.
Despite a difficult year in Canada, supply management continues to safeguard us from global instability. Canada needs a successful and sustainable dairy industry so that we can continue to contribute to the economy and health of our rural communities and fellow Canadians. We will continue to work with the government to protect our sector and be a vocal advocate in defending and promoting the supply management system.
We are deeply passionate about what we do, and I was very pleased to publicly launch our sustainable development initiative, proAction®, earlier this spring. I am extremely proud of what we have accomplished so far—we were pioneers, implementing this initiative four years ago. Our customers, the processors, are counting on us to show consumers that our milk is produced according to best practices.
Our promotional, research and nutrition education efforts are essential to the continued growth of Canada’s dairy market.
Again this year, we were able to see the impact of our collective actions. I trust I can count on your support in the year to come.
Wally Smith, President
- Caroline Emond, Executive Director
- Isabelle Bouchard, Director, Communications and Government Relations
- Victoria Cruz, Director, Marketing
- Sylvie Larose, CPA, CA, Director of Finance
- Yves Leduc, Director, Policy and International Trade
- Isabelle Neiderer, Director of Nutrition
- Elizabeth West, Head of corporate office